AVER Statement on President’s Decision to Stop Defending DOMA

American Veterans For Equal Rights (AVER), with chapters across America, has been serving the needs of the nation’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender veterans since 1990, and advocating for full equal rights for our veterans and patriotic volunteers serving in our armed forces. AVER applauds the Obama Administration’s decision to stop defending the discriminatory Defense of Marriage ACT (DOMA).

Declaring that law to be unconstitutional, President Obama has recognized the need to provide equal rights to all Americans. Particularly our patriotic Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen, who have volunteered to serve our nation in harm’s way, deserve equality regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity; they are all Americans with the courage and spirit to step forward and defend freedom. With the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy ending, it is unthinkable to imagine our newly equal volunteers still being denied equal benefits.

An American solider, shot and wounded, recovering at Ramstein AFB in Germany, will have the support of her husband flown over to be with her; but not if she’s married to a same sex partner. Her blood and Purple Heart are the same colors as those of the soldier in the next bed. DOMA denies fairness, and therefore is a hindrance to those dedicated service members who, as defenders of our liberty, most deserve to be the recipients of its promise of equality. AVER insists that every member of the military who puts themselves in harms way for the defense of our nation’s freedom is entitled to the same benefits as their fellow service members.


AVER President Danny Ingram

AVER Public Affairs, Denny Meyer
718 849-5665