Monthly Archives: February 2008

Template Settings

University Joomla Template  comes with some additional settings and features. Default color , width and font size settings are adjustable in index.php starting on line 16.  Solutions comes with 4 beautiful build in color styles. 

On  line 21  are the tool settings 

sIFR settings can be fund on line 26. 

On  line 31 you can find Suckerfish menu options.

This time we present you 2 suckerfish options, Standard Dropdown and SMooth Dropdown( using mootools) 

Seo template settings can be fund on line 38

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New Typography styles for your  University  Joomla Template! 

This time we would like to expand our spectrum of typoghraphy  and introduce you to sIFR. sIFR (or Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) is a technology that allows you to replace text elements on screen with Flash equivalents. In one word no more boring same text styles that everyone use. Make your Joomla Template unique by expanding your typography stles with any font you like.

Click here to turn the sIFR on or here to deactivate it.

University comes with 4 additional font styles | Vipnagorgialla | Iskola | Arno Tradegothic 

University template also includes  easy editable sIFR  Flash font file . For more info on sIFR and detail editing documentation click here.

P.S: click on “Play the demo: Scalable Inman Flash Replacement (sIFR)”



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