Lone Star News

Lone Star Chapter Images
November 2023
Thank you to Pride San Antonio for providing the float for the San Antonio Veterans Day Parade. AVER – American Veterans for Equal Rights, Inc. had our largest participation ever for the parade Thank you to everyone who participated. Best comment: “Thank you for paving the way.” So important to recognize and honor the journey.
— in San Antonio.

December 2023
Robert Weeks, US Army, has passed. Robert Weeks, a Vietnam Veteran, died this morning at the age of 80 in San Antonio. Robert was a longtime supporter of AVER – American Veterans for Equal AVER – American Veterans for Equal Rights, Inc. where he was very active in the AVER Texas Lone Star Chapter. Robert is pictured here (Right) with Ron Clarke and George Takei at the2009 Human Rights Campaign dinner
in San Antonio. Robert will be greatly missed. Thank you for your service, sir. See you on the High Ground.

January 2024
Congratulations to AVER member Sergeant First Class Freyja Eccles who retired yesterday with 25 years of service in our United States Army. Hooah!

What: San Antonio Veterans Day Parade
When: Saturday, November 11th, 9:00 AM
Where: Meet at the Public Theatre of San Antonio
San Pedro Springs Park
800 W Ashby Place San Antonio 78212
How: Meet at 9 AM to shuttle to parade site.
Who: Point of Contact: Danny Ingram
The United Sates Military Veterans Parade Association will host the 2023 San Antonio Veterans Day Parade next Saturday, November 11th, in San Antonio. American Veterans for Equal Rights will be riding on the float provided by Pride San Antonio. What to wear? Watch the weather and dress appropriately. Uniforms are both encouraged and appropriate. Dress or work uniforms are both welcome. If you do not have a uniform, please wear anything that shows your branch of service, like a sweatshirt or cap. If you have any questions please call, text, or email me.
I very much look forward to seeing you at the Parade. Our chance to show we have served and continue to serve with honor, authenticity, and Pride.
Danny Ingram, National President Emeritus
American Veterans for Equal Rights