Author Archives: Steph

AVER member among first to Re-enlist after DADT repeal

Lee Reinhart, a US Navy and US Coast Guard Veteran who was discharged from the Coast Guard due to the recently repealed DADT policy, has reenlisted in the US Navy Reserve on Monday Oct 24th.  After honorably serving in the Navy in the 1990s, Reinhart reenlisted in the Coast Guard following the 911 attack, in order to do his part to serve our nation.  After serving only a few months in the Coast Guard, he was discharged after it was discovered that he is gay.  Since then Lee Reinhart has dedicated his volunteer efforts towards the repeal of the DADT policy through his work with American Veterans For Equal Rights, as a member of the Chicago AVER Chapter and currently in reestablishing the AVER Columbus Chapter.  He is among the first of those discharged due to DADT to reenlist in our armed forces following the repeal of the policy.

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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Act of 2010

ATLANTA — Following is a statement from Danny Ingram, National President of American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), on yesterday’s full certification of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Act of 2010:

America is not a great nation because of our weatlh, though we are certainly among the most wealthy nations in the world. America is not great because of our power, though we have the most powerful military in human history. America is great and unique among all the nations of the earth because of our undying devotion to the fullness of freedom, the idea that every citizen, no matter how vast our differences, is entitled to the same equal rights as every other citizen. On September 20, 2011, when the repeal of DADT takes effect, a group of Americans, once the victims of discrimination by the very guardians of our nation’s liberty, will be discriminated against no more. On that day, all Americans will witness our own evolution as the United States becomes a more free society. On that day, “we the people” will take a further step towards our collective destiny as the most free, equal, and diverse people in human endeavor.

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President, Pentagon Certify Repeal of DADT

Atlanta, GA – Certification of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal is now official with the announcement by the White House this afternoon that President Obama, Defense Secretary Panetta, and Chairman Mullen have certified that the repeal of the DADT law will not harm US military readiness. The law will now officially end in 60 days, sometime in September. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members will then officially be able to serve with integrity and honor along with other patriotic volunteers in our American armed forces.

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Ninth Circuit Halts Enforcement of DADT

ATLANTA, GA – American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) joins Servicemembers United Executive Director and AVER Life Member Alexander Nicholson in applauding today’s order issued by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals lifting its own stay of a lower court’s injunction barring enforcement of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. This move once again renders “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” unenforceable by the Pentagon.  Nicholson was the sole veteran plaintiff on the case spearheaded by the Log Cabin Republicans, an LGBT political organization.

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AVER Convention 2013

AVER Convention Registration


Full Registration:

Thursday, September 19th 2013 thru Sunday, September 22nd 2013 -$175*

Late Registration: $190.00* per person. After September 9th, 2013
– Includes:

  • 3 continental breakfasts
  • Friday lunch
  • Saturday banquet
  • Sunday brunch
  • Access to all meetings
  • Coffee breaks
  • Hospitality suite refreshments, bar in evenings.
  • Shuttle bus to downtown Denver, GLBT clubs, and restaurants
Single Day Resigstration
Offers Friday September 20th 2013 Saturday September 21st 2013 Sunday September 22nd 2013
Continental breakfast X X X
Lunch X X
Coffee breaks X X
Access to all meetings X X
Banquet X
Closing meeting X
Brunch X
Cost $70* $80* $50*
Late Registration: Add $10* per person. After September 9th 2013

Saturday evening (Banquet only) – $50*

  • Available to spouses and local guests only
  • Late Registration: $60.00* per person. After September 9th, 2013

*Registering online adds $6.00 service fee

register mail register online online_room_reservation_web_image__0

Don’t forget to book your hotel reservations at:

Denver Renaissance Hotel
3801 Quebec Street
Denver, Colorado 80207

Use group code: AVER

Hotel Accommodations.
The Denver Renaissance Hotel has offered us a special $105 per night rate for single, double, triple or quad. Valid from September 16-24, 2013  They have also provided considerable assistance in meeting room rentals, hospitality suite and food cost so we ask that you stay at the host hotel.

House Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on Oversight of DADT Repeal

ATLANTA: On Thursday April 7th the US House of Representatives Armed Services Committee held an oversight hearing on the ongoing DADT repeal implementation. The service chiefs of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force were asked to testify before the committee and answer questions. From the opening remarks of the ranking majority member of the Committee, and the tone of the questions, it was clear that there had been an expectation that the service chiefs would express the same reservations and or opposition to allowing open gay service in our armed forces as they did early in 2010 at the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings. They didn’t.

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