Category Archives: Press Releases

Official press releases from the AVER National Public Affairs Office.

Special Assistant to the President Meets with GLBVA – 16May97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-09 May 16, 1997



On May 7, 1997 the White House welcomed seven gay and bisexual veterans of the United States Armed Forces to a meeting with Richard Socarides, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Public Liaison. Representing GLBVA at this meeting were James Darby, Mel Tips, Edward Clayton, Cliff Arnesen, Patrick Bova, John Belseth and John MacWilliams.

The meeting began with James Darby, GLBVA National President, briefing Socarides on the meeting with Pentagon officials. During the meeting, which was held in the Old Executive Office Building overlooking the east wing of the White House, GLBVA members presented a slate of five issues to Socarides. While expressing general dissatisfaction with the current DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy, the group pointed out that homosexual related discharges have increased dramatically under this policy to an all-time high in 1996 when 850 servicemembers were discharged due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation. The group also called for an independent military review board to be established to investigate reported or suspected violations of the DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy and hold base commanders responsible for violations which occur within their commands.

Additionally, the group of veterans called for:

  • the repeal of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice pointing out that this article, commonly known as “the sodomy clause”, is disproportionately used against gay and bisexual servicemembers
  • the end to efforts by the military to seek recoupment of expenses for training from servicemembers who are discharged for being gay, lesbian or bisexual
  • improvements in the treatment of veterans with HIV and AIDS at Veterans Administration hospitals; and
  • the upgrading of less-than-honorable discharges to the status of “honorable” in all cases where servicemembers were separated solely on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation.

In response, Socarides thanked the group for the work GLBVA has been doing to assist veterans affected by this policy and passed on the President’s dissatisfaction with the implementation of the DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy. He offered continued support for GLBVA as the fight to lift the ban continues and assured the group of continued access to administration officials to discuss issues of concern.

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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GLBVA meet with Pentagon Officials – 16May97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-08 May 16, 1997



For the first time in U.S. History a national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual veterans has met with top Pentagon officials to discuss issues of concern to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Representing GLBVA in the meeting, which was held May 5, 1997 inside the Pentagon, was James Darby, National President; Mel Tip, Treasurer; Edward Clayton, VP Public Affairs; Cliff Arnesen, VP Legislative Affairs; and Terry Tobias, GLBVA Veterans Advisory Council. Representing the Pentagon were Frederick Pang, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy and Colonel David Schreier, Principal Director and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy.

During the meeting, which lasted over an hour, GLBVA officers presented a slate of five issues to Assistant Secretary Pang and Colonel Schreier. While expressing general dissatisfaction with the current DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy, the group pointed out that homosexual related discharges have increased dramatically under this policy to an all-time high in 1996 when 850 servicemembers were discharged due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation. The group also called for an independent military review board to be established to investigate reported or suspected violations of the DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy and hold base commanders responsible for violations which occur within their commands.

Additionally, the group of veterans called for:

  • the repeal of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice pointing out that this article, commonly known as “the sodomy clause”, is disproportionately used against gay and bisexual servicemembers
  • the end to efforts by the military to seek recoupment of expenses for training from servicemembers who are discharged for being gay, lesbian or bisexual
  • improvements in the treatment of veterans with HIV and AIDS at Veterans Administration hospitals; and
  • the upgrading of less-than-honorable discharges to the status of “honorable” in all cases where servicemembers were separated solely on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation.

In response, Assistant Secretary Pang acknowledged that the Pentagon is aware that there are severe problems with the implementation of the current policy and that they are studying the problem. He also stated his objection to the establishment of an independent military review board saying he felt it was too early to undertake such an elaborate action but would rather wait to see the results of a review which is currently underway within the Pentagon.

Pang did tell the group that preliminary data from that study seems to reveal that the highest rate of discharges under the current policy appear to be among servicemembers who are in their first term of enlistment and stationed at a training command. He said that the study should be completed in about four to six months and assured the group that GLBVA would receive a copy of the report and afforded the opportunity to return to the Pentagon to discuss the study and offer suggestions on the improvement of the implementation of this policy.

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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GLBVA Participate in 16th Annual Joiner Conference – 16May97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-07 May 16, 1997



For the seventh consecutive year, members of the national non-profit organization GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL VETERANS OF AMERICA, INC. have participated in the Sixteenth Annual Joiner Conference on the Concerns of Veterans which is held annually in Washington, DC. During the four day conference, which is attended by numerous veteran’s organizations, GLBVA representatives networked with other veteran’s groups and attended seminars ranging from legislative lobbying to Gulf War Illness. Additionally, attendees of the conference had the opportunity to meet with Congressman Lane Evans, Senator John Kerry and Congressman Luis Gutierrez and discuss issues which are of concern to veterans.

The Joiner Conference on the Concerns of Veterans is sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Boston William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences. The goals of the conference are: (1) to address issues of concern to veterans, (2) to help develop a knowledgeable leadership network of veterans’ advocates independent of any overarching organization, and (3) to inform congressional members and their staffs of the impact these issues have on the lives of veterans and their families. The conference has the participation of veterans from some twenty-five states and Congressional members from several delegations.

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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GLBVA to Hold Meeting With Top Pentagon Officials – 02May97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-06 May 02, 1997



While many people celebrate Cinco De Mayo as Mexican Independence Day, this year members of the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans of America will celebrate for a different reason. The first-ever meeting between a gay veterans organization and pentagon officials has been confirmed for 4:00pm on Monday May 5, 1997 and will be held in the Pentagon. Jim Darby, National President of GLBVA, submitted the request to the Pentagon several weeks ago and says, “We were not truly very optimistic, but since no other gay veterans organization had ever done this, we simply thought – why not!”

Representing GLBVA in this history making meeting will be Jim Darby, National President; Edward Clayton, Vice President of Public Affairs; Cliff Arnesen, Vice President of Legislative Affairs; Mel Tips, Treasurer and Terry Tobias of the GLBVA Veterans Advisory Council. Military officials, including Mr. Frederick Pang, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management, are expected to discuss a wide range of issues including:

  1. the appointment of an independent military review board to investigate and hold responsible those base commanders who violate or condone violations of the pentagon’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue Policy.

  2. deletion of the Uniform Code of Military Justice sodomy laws which are most often used to arbitrarily discharge gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers.

  3. the military’s and Veteran’s Administration mistreatment of veterans with HIV/AIDS.

  4. the policy of monetary recoupment from discharged members all pay and allowances received while on active duty.

While in Washington, DC. members of GLBVA will also be participating in the Sixteenth Annual William Joiner Conference on the Concerns of Veterans. This conference, which is sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Boston’s William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences, attracts thousands of veterans from around the country to the nation’s capitol for the four day event.

Additionally, representatives of GLBVA will be meeting with Senator John Kerry on Tuesday afternoon and will participate in conference meetings with Senator Ted Kennedy, Congressman Lane Evans, Senator Barney Frank, Congressman Luis Gutierrez and others.

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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GLBVA Release “Lexington Declaration” – 20Mar97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-05 March 20, 1997



At their February convention aboard the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, Texas; delegates of the GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL VETERANS OF AMERICA, INC. (GLBVA) called upon the organization’s officers to prepare and distribute a declaration in the form of a letter to President Bill Clinton and members of congress. The delegates instructed GLBVA’s officers to inform the President of the organization’s appreciation and support of his administration while strongly expressing dissatisfaction with the current DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T PURSUE policy. The group unanimously stated that the LEXINGTON DECLARATION should call on the President to finally honor his promise to lift the ban and take immediate action on this issue.

The text of the LEXINGTON DECLARATION follows:

FEBRUARY 16, 1997

Closing Session of the National Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America Convention
aboard the U.S.S. Lexington in Corpus Christi, Texas

President Clinton

CC Members of Congress

We, the Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America want to thank all of you for what you have done for us over the last four years of this administration. But we want you to know that it falls far short of our expectations.

Four years ago you made a promise to lift the ban on gays in the military. We are still holding you to that promise. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue” may be a reasonable compromise in your opinion, but is totally unacceptable to all of us. If you think it is working, just look at the numbers of servicemembers that are still being thrown out every year. As American citizens, we expected you to do the right thing for all of us.

All Americans expect certain things from their elected representatives. The least being the basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution, which we have all fought for and sworn to defend. Gay American men and women continue to put their lives on the line for all of us and for this country, but we are still treated as second class citizens, the victims of American apartheid. No heterosexual person would put up with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue.” Why should we?

In spite of the years of discrimination, maltreatment and continuing government sanctioned witch hunts, we remain loyal to the principles of justice and equality for all. We fought for our country before, and we are fighting for our country now, in and out of the military. Far too many American lives have been ruined by this insane policy. The time to end the ban is now, and you, as President of the United States, are legally and morally bound to use your powers to do so.

That no service go unrewarded.

James C. Darby, President
Nancy Russell, Vice President
James Donovan, Secretary
Millard Tips, Treasurer
Mack Thomas III, Regional Coordinator

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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GLBVA Hold Biennial Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas 04Mar97

Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama 35261-0511
(205) 833-8391 FAX (205) 833-2681


PRESS RELEASE #97-04 March 04, 1997



Gay, lesbian and bisexual veterans from across the country converged on Corpus Christi, Texas President’s Day weekend for two days of networking, educational seminars, speeches, planning sessions and the election of national officers. And for the first time in history a gay veterans service organization used facilities aboard a U.S. Naval vessel for their plenary session.

The general membership convention, which is held every two years, began with a reception on Friday evening at the Sandy Shores Hotel. Convention attendees met for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and got acquainted before beginning the serious work which brought them to this convention.

Saturday morning GLBVA officers hosted a continental breakfast for convention attendees, the officers welcomed the convention delegates and the invocation was delivered by Reverend Sandy O’Steen of the Metropolitan Community Church of Corpus Christi. The highlight of the morning session was a slide-presentation on the history of the gay, lesbian and bisexual veterans movement presented by James Darby and gay veteran Max Woerner presented a dramatic reading from his new work titled, “War Stories Woven of Khaki Love and Olive Drab”.

Following a luncheon on the mezzanine, guest speaker Warren Dinges spoke to the group and gave them an update on the progress of his case against the United States military. Dinges, who was a Captain in the Air Force, was convicted by military court martial for engaging in a private consensual adult relationship and served a five month sentence in the maximum security military confinement facility at Fort Leavenworth. Following a question and answer period, Captain Dinges thanked the group for their outspoken position on the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and wished them luck in their future endeavors.

The afternoon workshops focused on topics such as the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, discussions of possible benefits from utilizing recruiting and informational tools such as AOL, the internet and the World Wide Web and an open forum for attendees to ask questions or voice concerns and opinions.

The Sunday morning plenary session made history as the group met aboard the aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-16), which was anchored less than one-hundred yards from the convention’s hotel. This was the first time that a gay veterans service organization has used a United States naval vessel for a plenary session. The Officers Ward Room aboard the World War II aircraft carrier was decked out in the finest of military tradition with the American flag, the rainbow flag, several military banners and the flags of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. After arriving for the Sunday morning plenary session, some convention attendees toured the aircraft carrier while others swapped “war” stories and spoke of their dedication to continuing the fight for the right of gays, lesbians and bisexuals to serve openly in the military. Later in the day members were served a meal from a traditional “chow-line”, listened to speeches from the organization’s leaders and then began the nominating process which would culminate in the election of the officers who will govern the organization for the next two years. Results of the election are as follows:

President …………………………………………James Darby………………………………………..Chicago, IL.
Vice-President………………………………….Nancy Russell……………………………………….San Antonio, TX.
Secretary…………………………………………James Donovan……………………………………..Plainville, IL.
Treasurer…………………………………………Mel Tips………………………………………………Cathederal City, CA.
Regional Coordinator…………………………Mack Thomas……………………………………….Mission Viejo, CA.

Vice-President Public Affairs……………….Edward Clayton…………………………………….Birmingham, AL.
Vice-President Veterans Affairs……………Max Woerner……………………………………….Guerneville, CA.
Vice-President Legislative Affairs………….Cliff Arnesen…………………………………………Boston, MA.
Vice-President Membership…………………Ed Kassing…………………………………………..Chicago, IL.
Vice-President Gay Liaison Support……..Bud Robbins…………………………………………San Francisco,CA.

During the session a special award was presented to outgoing President Nancy Russell honoring her for all her hard work over the past four years in building the organization and establishing a viable presence on the national political scene. Under her administration the organization saw a significant increase in membership, obtained its 501(c)3 status, testified before numerous committees during the 1993 LIFT THE BAN campaign and established a solid financial footing which will ensure the organizations long-term survival. A plaque was presented as a small token of the groups appreciation and a standing ovation demonstrated the respect and admiration the members have for Ms. Russell and her dedication to their cause.

The highlight of the Sunday session came when newly elected President James C. Darby called on the group to endorse a declaration which asserts the unacceptability of the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, reaffirms the organizations commitment to the eventual removal of ALL policies preventing the service of gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women in the United States Armed Forces, and calls again for the president to lift the ban. The group unanimously endorsed the Lexington Declaration and instructed that copies of this declaration be sent to the President and all members of congress.

GLBVA, Inc. is the only national non-profit organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.

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