Category Archives: Action Alerts

Watch this section for action / activist alerts from AVER!

Highlight: Logan Ireland

Master Sergeant Logan Ireland serves in the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) as a Special Agent at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. In his current position, Logan works to identify, neutralize, and exploit threats to the United States. Logan leads over a dozen Special Agents across 16 countries as they conduct counterintelligence operations to keep America safe from terrorist activity worldwide. He has completed multiple overseas tours in Afghanistan, Qatar, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. Logan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Military Studies with dual concentrations in Strategic Leadership and Joint Warfare. He is also a graduate of the US Army Air Assault School. Logan is an accomplished leader within the U.S. Air Force who happens to be transgender.

Logan is one of an estimated thousands of transgender service members currently serving in our US Armed Forces whose critical skills in securing our nation’s national defense are endangered by president-elect Donald Trump’s threat to fire all transgender service members “on day one.” The removal of highly trained members of the military jeopardizes national security at a time when terrorist threats and growing tensions around the world are a genuine and imminent threat both overseas and here at home. It would be irresponsible in the extreme to remove these highly trained military technicians at a time when they are most needed.

As the nation’s oldest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender veterans service organization, American Veterans for Equal Rights strongly urges the president-elect to reconsider his decision to remove transgender service members from our armed forces. Dedicated and highly skilled military professionals like Master Sergeant Logan Ireland should be honored for their service and valued for the critical contributions they make in defending our nation’s freedom and protecting our citizens from the threat of attack. Transgender soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, coast guardsmen, and guardians stand guard around the world with dedication, skill, and perseverance just like every other member of the armed forces. In the interest of fairness, respect, and our nation’s defense, we urgently recommend that they continue to do so.

From Modern Military Association of America

Dear Allies,

The FY2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is attacking transgender and nonbinary military youth.

The rider removing medically-necessary healthcare was added in bad faith at the last minute; lawmakers had already negotiated a clean bill that would not have targeted military families with transgender dependents. However, the rider was unilaterally added as the deadline to pass the NDAA looms, essentially negating months of discussions. Lawmakers filed the bill on Saturday, 12/7:

“Medical interventions for the treatment of gender dysphoria that could result in sterilization may not be provided to a child under the age of 18.’’ (SEC 708)


1. Read and share our new article here that reveals:
– How the current version of the NDAA attacks transgender and nonbinary military youth
– Available resources for how to help LGBTQ+ military youth, including email templates, phone scripts, representative contact information, a story sharing link, and targeted resources.  

2. Share the posts linked below on how to advocate via: 


In Solidarity,
Modern Military Association of America

Trump Tweets Ban Transgender Service



July 26, 2017

RE: Trump Tweets Ban Transgender Service


AVER Public Affairs, Denny Meyer 718.849.5665

AVER President, Steve Loomis, LTC, USA, (Ret) 505.301.1737

Atlanta, GA (JUL 26, 2017) – American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) is astonished by President Trump’s statements this morning prohibiting transgender Americans from serving our country in the US military. On the very anniversary, July 26, 1948, that President Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9981 to end racial segregation in our US military, President Donald J. Trump issues tweets to bar transgender service members from serving in our same US armed forces. Such an incredible twist of fate in history! One opens doors to liberty. One slams them shut.

“The President’s unilateral action concerning transgender service members is insulting to some of our most capable service members and disrespectful to the leadership of our military. Without full consultation, a President who never served our country has taken an action that discriminates without factual foundation. Transgender members are already and have always been part of some of our most combat ready units without difficulty for decades and will continue to be in the future. As long as any soldier, sailor, marine, airman or coast guards man has the physical and mental ability, they must be allowed to serve in the defense of our country.”

Current policies require that transgender recruits must complete gender transition before they can enter the military. Mr. Trump is simply denying entry into the military to capable male and female volunteers no different from any other man or woman. The citizens of the United States require a military governed by carefully considered policies and not by early morning tweet storms from a President who neither understands the current policy nor cares about the human cost of defending our nation’s liberty. We defend transgender service members right to serve!

USAF Master Sargent Leah Messer (left with US flag), a 15-year transgender veteran of the United States Air Force, would lose her job if Donald Trump’s tweets become policy.


LGBT Veterans Stand with Orlando


June 15, 2016

An Open Letter LGBT Veterans Stand with Orlando
America was assaulted early Sunday morning as at least 49 members of our LGBT and allies community in Orlando, Florida were killed and 53 more injured in an eruption of violence against the gay community. “We all hurt because part of our community is in pain. The members of American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) served our country to help protect it from senseless terrorism such as this. As veterans and active duty service members we go in harm’s way serving to protect our country, then come home only to be assaulted and cut down in our most important and representative time of the year, Pride Month,” stated Army Vietnam veteran Lieutenant Colonel Steve Loomis, National President of AVER. AVER is America’s first and oldest Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender veterans and active duty service organization.

“In a society where diversity is our destiny and our greatest strength, the hateful and divisive attitudes that have become the hallmark of political and religious rhetoric in recent years must stop. There is no justification for mass murder or those who promote it,” stated AVER President Emeritus Danny Ingram, an Army veteran.

It is an attack on every American and the multi-colored fabric that is the core of who we are as a people. All lives matter, and hateful rhetoric, regardless of how it is justified or camouflaged, ultimately leads to the type of mass murder that we have witnessed in Orlando. We have all lost because of this horrible crime and AVER calls upon every American to question the prejudiced and hurtful attitudes that demonize entire groups of people and ultimately create a destructive rationale that leads to the murder of our fellow citizens.

America succeeds by valuing and respecting the inherent dignity of every human being, not by tearing down or eliminating groups who are different. We are angry veterans as we lost one of our own citizen soldiers in Orlando and angry citizens because the hurt spreads across our country. We join as one in mourning this act of evil against our community and nation. We strengthen our common resolve to build bridges of tolerance and understanding across our country united from sea to sea as our forefathers wished.

As these cowering shadow people encourage hatred and condone violence against American citizens for whatever reason, they violate our rights, our persons and our space. The hatemongering and divisive political and religious rhetoric must stop. Political and religious leaders who encourage intolerance or acts of violence must be held accountable.

It is America’s destiny to be the most diverse society in the history of the world, extending equal rights, equal respect, and equal responsibility to every citizen. To do otherwise is in no way democracy.

Steve Loomis
LTC, EN, U.S. Army (Retired)
National President
American Veterans for Equal Rights

Danny Ingram
SGT, US Army Veteran
National President Emeritus
American Veterans for Equal Rights

Veterans Day Events


Chapter Presidents and Coordinators,

AVER is running a national advertising campaign in USA Today, next weekend.  USA Today sends a special Veterans Day insert in its paper to military bases, hotels, restaurants and newsstands across the country.  The advertisement was sent to you previously and is attached today.

American Veterans for Equal Rights_41158568

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Plan to Attend AVER’s 2016 National Convention

Plan Now to Attend AVER’s 2016 National Convention in Albuquerque


The Bataan Chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights is honored to announce AVER’s 2016 convention will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 21-24, 2016.

We are very excited to confirm the keynote speaker for the event will be US Air Force Major General Patricia A. Rose, Mobilization Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. General Rose is the highest ranking out officer in the United States Military, and she will be accompanied by her wife, Lieutenant Julie Roth, US Navy (retired) one of the first women to perform scientific duty in Antarctica and also among the first women in the Navy to achieve aircrew status. We are very proud to have this remarkable couple help lead our 2016 national convention.

MG Rose

Registration for the convention and hotel along with information regarding the convention will open on 15 Nov 2015. Please make plans now to attend what is sure to be one our most exciting and productive conventions in AVER’s 25+ years of service as America’s LGBT Veterans Service Organization.