July 14, 2023
RE: National Defense Authorization Act Denies Care to Service Members
Contact: AVER Public Affairs, 678.596.1311, dannyingram1776@gmail.com
San Antonio, TX “Military City USA” (JUL 14, 2023)
“Congress should never pick and choose which service members will be treated for medical conditions and which will not. The denial of critical care based on political grandstanding is a betrayal of a sacred obligation to care for soldiers and their families. Breaking that obligation undermines national security by eroding the trust of the men and women who volunteer to defend our nation’s freedom.”
American Veterans for Equal Rights, the nation’s oldest LGBTQ Veterans Service Organization, joins other VSOs from around the country in expressing anger over the betrayal of a sacred obligation made to the men and women who serve our country in the FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act. FY2024 NDAA denies life-saving gender-affirming care not only to Transgender service members but the Transgender children of service members. The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and American Medical Association support gender-affirming care as critical in the treatment of Gender Dysphoria.
The Department of Defense utilizes evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to care for every service member who seeks care. In addition to world-class healthcare services such as chemical exposure and burn treatment, prosthetic devices, gynecological care and non-selective abortion care, the DOD provides full support for mental disorders such as substance abuse disorders, PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Gender Dysphoria.
Using their proven clinical practice guidelines the DOD seeks to develop and provide the very best care they can to every service member and their children. DOD medical services are there to save lives, not to practice politics.
Every man and woman who serves our country deserves the very best treatment available. No exceptions. Thank all who serve. Honor all who serve. Protect all who serve.
Approved by,
Julz Carey
President, AVER
Save The Date!!
American Veterans for Equal Rights is pleased to announce the 2023 National Convention will be held Oct 14th-16th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
The Florida Gold Coast Chapter is hosting the convention at the Pride Center At Equality Park in the City of Wilton Manors.
Accommodations will be at the Sonesta Fort Lauderdale Beach, just steps away from the ocean. Special reservation prices will be honored 3 days before and after the convention so you can plan to stay and play!
Vendor applications are open!! Veteran organizations welcome! See contact information below.
AVER is our nation’s oldest LGBT Veteran Service Organization. We are a chapter-based 501c3 dedicated to Equality for LGBTQ Servicemembers, Veterans, and our families.
More information and registration information coming soon. We look forward to seeing you there!
Contact: Lee Lawson – Son_oflaw@yahoo.com
See the attached Press Release from the VA.