Author Archives: James Apedaile

Respect for Marriage Act and Codification of Military Service

December 13, 2022
RE: Respect for Marriage Act and Codification of Military Service
Contact: AVER Public Affairs, 678.596.1311
San Antonio, TX “Military City USA” (DEC 13, 2022) – American Veterans for Equal Rights, the nation’s oldest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender veterans service organization, salutes the bi-partisan passage of the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA), a law that will protect the right of LGBTQ people and people of all races to marry. In light of recent statements from United States Supreme Court justices that the Court might reconsider cases that decided the freedom to marry, these rights could be jeopardized by future decisions. RMA codifies federal recognition of same-sex marriage.
AVER is equally concerned that the hard-won right of LGBT service in the US military should likewise be codified into law. Military service is not protected by law. Congress’s Women’s Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 codified the right of women to serve in the military, however, the racial integration of the military, as well as the right of LGBT people to serve, was only accomplished by executive order, and can be reversed by subsequent executive order, as was the case with former-president Trump’s repeal of Transgender service in 2020.
Until protections for LGBT service members are codified into law, the right to serve remains at the whim of politicians. President Biden’s executive order that states “all Americans who are qualified to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States should be able to serve” must be protected by law. We call upon Congress to do so.

10th Anniversary of Freedom to Serve



September 15, 2021

RE:  10th Anniversary of Freedom to Serve

Contact:  AVER Public Affairs, 678.596.1311

San Antonio, TX “Military City USA” (SEP 15, 2021) – American Veterans for Equal Rights, the nation’s oldest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender veterans service organization, joins other progressive patriots from all walks of life in commemorating the 10th anniversary of the September 20, 2011, implementation of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the law that barred LGBT people from serving in the United States military. AVER celebrates this important civil rights milestone, and we honor the long and determined grassroots effort by service members and veterans, men and women, to overturn the nearly 100-year-old policies that denied the freedom to serve to LGBT Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Coastguardsmen. We acknowledge the diverse efforts, strategies, struggles and sacrifices by many individuals and organizations that led to the repeal of the discriminatory DADT law. Work remains. Until protections for LGBT service members are codified into law, the right to serve remains at the whim of politicians. Just as Donald Trump reversed the Obama-era policy that allowed transgender volunteers the right to serve, future commanders-in-chief could change policy at will. The reinstatement of transgender service implemented by President Biden must be protected by law. AVER envisions a military that fully reflects the diversity of the American people, where every individual who serves is free to reach their full potential unburdened by policies that discriminate against any service member for any reason. The defenders of our nation’s liberty must be, first and foremost, the representatives of the freedom they serve to defend.

VA LGBTQ+ Fertility Survey

The VA is conducting a quality improvement project focusing on fertility/infertility needs and services among LGBTQ+ Veterans. We are interested in reaching out to both VA users and LGBTQ+ Veterans in the community about fertility/infertility needs and services.

This is an opportunity to make LGBTQ+ Veterans voices heard about fertility needs and VA services. If you or your Veterans have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the study lead:

Survey link:

VA Outreach


The VHA has started a project that seeks to understand Veterans’ healthcare experiences and delivery needs (both within and outside of VA) in a modern world. The project team is seeking to connect specifically with Veterans who identify as belonging to minority communities, and who would be open to sharing their thoughts, experiences and stories. Veterans who currently use VA healthcare, Veterans who have never used VA healthcare, and those who have left VA healthcare: the team wants to hear about your healthcare experiences, good and bad, regardless of where you get your care.

The team will be traveling to: Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Jacksonville, Florida; and Richmond, Virginia in August to meet with Veterans in person* for 90-minute interviews. If you are willing to talk about your experiences, please fill out this form and someone from the team will reach out. Please keep in mind that all information you share will be kept anonymous.

Participation Form

Please reach out to me or Meg from the project team ( with any questions.

*Covid-19 precautions for interviews: In-person interactions will require that all participants wear a mask regardless of vaccination status and maintain 6 ft of space while indoors

VA Secretary Announces Full Care for Transgender Vets


For Immediate Release
June 19, 2021

Re: VA Secretary Announces Full Care for Transgender Vets

Contact: AVER Public Affairs 718 849-5665
AVER President, Julz Carey

The executives and membership of American Veterans For Equal Rights celebrate today’s announcement by the Secretary of the Veterans Administration, Denis McDonough, stating that America’s Transgender veterans will now be able to access full medical care including Gender Reassignment Surgery. The procedures may begin after a process of review, commentary, and regulatory bureaucracy.

After having served since the American Revolution, our patriotic veterans will finally be able to have the full affirmation that our Nation owes to every veteran.

Along with the enactment of Juneteenth, announced this past week, our nation’s progress has taken a leap forward in recognizing all Americans more fully for our contribution to this nation.