Category Archives: Action

AVER is about action!

Plan to Attend AVER’s 2016 National Convention

Plan Now to Attend AVER’s 2016 National Convention in Albuquerque


The Bataan Chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights is honored to announce AVER’s 2016 convention will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 21-24, 2016.

We are very excited to confirm the keynote speaker for the event will be US Air Force Major General Patricia A. Rose, Mobilization Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. General Rose is the highest ranking out officer in the United States Military, and she will be accompanied by her wife, Lieutenant Julie Roth, US Navy (retired) one of the first women to perform scientific duty in Antarctica and also among the first women in the Navy to achieve aircrew status. We are very proud to have this remarkable couple help lead our 2016 national convention.

MG Rose

Registration for the convention and hotel along with information regarding the convention will open on 15 Nov 2015. Please make plans now to attend what is sure to be one our most exciting and productive conventions in AVER’s 25+ years of service as America’s LGBT Veterans Service Organization.

Gay Man Nominated for Secretary of the Army


For Immediate Release Re: Gay Man Nominated for Secretary of the Army

President Obama has nominated Eric Fanning to be the new Secretary of the Army. If confirmed, he will be the first openly gay secretary of any service.

Mr. Fanning is currently serving as the acting Secretary of the Army. He has served in positions in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Navy and Air Force offices, and is well respected in the Pentagon.

LTC(R) Steve Loomis, national president of the American Veterans for Equal Rights welcomes Mr. Fanning’s nomination to this key position of leadership in our Army. “Eric Fanning is a highly capable and experienced person to lead our Army. While he is not the first gay person in positions of responsibility in the Pentagon, he is exceedingly qualified for this important top position. We offer our full support and wish him the best in his leadership of our largest military service.”

“This nomination demonstrates President Obama’s continuing commitment to our LGBT community,” said Danny Ingram, AVER past national president. “A review of Fanning’s extensive service in the Pentagon shows that he is imminently qualified to become the nation’s next Secretary of the Army. While AVER is extremely happy to see this nomination, the fact that he is a gay man is no more a factor for his selection than his race, age, or gender.”

AVER is America’s first gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender veterans and active duty service organization.

Contact information: AVER President: Steve Loomis, LTC, EN, U.S. Army (Retired) 505-301-1737,

AVER Public Affairs: Denny Meyer, 718 849-5665,



LGBT Pride Event at Camp Lejeune

Last Thursday 30 July 2015, American Veterans for Equal Rights joined OUTSERVE for the first ever 2d Marine Logistics Group LGBT Pride Event aboard  Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The event was attended by 2d MLG Commander Brigadier General Charles G. Chiarotti and other members of his command staff. OUTSERVE members Marine SSgt Monique Clarke and  National Treasurer Jeffry Piela-Tam, US Navy Hospital Corpsman, coordinated the event for OUTSERVE. Continue reading

Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality


June 26, 2015


RE: Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

Atlanta, GA (JUN 26, 2015) –American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), the nation’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Veterans Service Organization, applauds the decision of the United States Supreme Court in extending the constitutionally mandated legal rights and protections of civil marriage to committed same-sex couples in every state of our nation. As proud military veterans who have sworn an oath to defend America’s freedom, AVER is deeply gratified that “liberty and justice for all” remains an essential element of our country’s core belief in shared equality for every citizen. This decision by the Supreme Court will extend the same benefits and privileges that are provided to the families of our honored veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs to the married spouses and children of Lesbian and Gay veterans in every part of our country, benefits from which they were previously excluded in states that did not recognize same sex marriages.


AVER Public Affairs, Denny Meyer 718.849.5665

AVER President, Steve Loomis, LTC, USA, Ret 505.301.1737

AVER Honors American Heroes on Memorial Day in Washington DC

Danny in UniformAVER Honors American Heroes on Memorial Day in Washington DC

by Danny Ingram

Near a quiet intersection in Washington’s Congressional Cemetery, in a plot of land commonly known as the “gay corner,” the gravesite of Leonard Matlovich rests beneath a small tree providing shade to the black granite memorial to one of America’s most prominent LGBT activists. Memorial Day, 2015, marks the 40th anniversary that United States Air Force Technical Sergeant Leonard Matlovich came out in the national press to challenge the military’s policy of discrimination against LGBT service members. A Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart, Leonard Matlovich did more to open the door to LGBT service than perhaps any other individual. Continue reading

Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery Monument to LGBT Veterans Dedication Date

 Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery Monument to LGBT Veterans Dedication Date – May 25, 2015 Memorial Day by James Darby

Chicago Monument

On Monday, May 25, 2015 the Chicago chapter of AVER dedicated a monument to lgbt veterans at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, the largest cemetery in the U.S. in the VA cemetery system. This is the first monument in a National VA cemetery dedicated solely to lgbt veterans by lgbt veterans. It rained heavily in the morning but by noon it cleared up and turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. More than 100 guests, friends and visitors started streaming into the Valley of Monuments area guided by 35 flag carrying members of Organized Chaos, a Chicago based Women’s Motorcycle Club. A half dozen TV stations had already set up their equipment before everyone got there. ALNC is located 50 miles southwest of Chicago, so AVER Chicago chartered a free bus. Once the bus arrived President Reinhart started the ceremony. Eight members of AV ER posted the colors, the Pledge of Allegiance was done by everyone and the National Anthem was sung by the Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus. The Invocation was given by three members of the clergy – Father Chris Meyers, a Catholic Priest, Reverend Wayne Bradley, a Protestant Minister and Cindy Enger, a Jewish Rabbi. All three spoke so eloquently that we could see tears flowing from many of those present. It was an extremely emotional experience for everyone. Continue reading