Category Archives: News

AVER makes an effort to maintain links to news articles, from around the USA and the world at large, pertaining to the LGBT community, veterans and/or service members. If you find a relevant news article that is not listed, please send us the link via our Contact page, and we will assess the content for inclusion in our News lists.Please note:1. We scour the internet frequently to ensure that our news links are for articles published by media outlets. If you find a dead link, please let us know. For [non-AVER] organizational press releases, please see our Links directory.2. We will sometimes include articles pertaining to legislative matters; however, as a 501(c)(3) organization, we do not post news pertaining to specific political candidates, as this could be misconstrued as endorsement.

AVER statement on the Indiana Religious Freedom Law

For Immediate Release
March 27, 2015

Re: AVER statement on the Indiana Religious Freedom Law

Denny Meyer, AVER Public Affairs, 718 849-5665
Steve Loomis, AVER President,

Atlanta, GA (MAR 27, 2015) –
American Veterans for Equal Rights, the nation’s LGBT Veterans Service Organization, joins other civil rights organizations in condemning the so-called “religious freedom” law enacted in Indiana. In signing a law that promotes discrimination against LGBT Americans as a “freedom,” Indiana governor Mike Pence has dishonored the sacrifices of our nation’s gay service men and women based in Indiana who place themselves in harm’s way to defend our freedom overseas and deserve better than a second class citizenship and a sign that says “your kind not welcome here.” Hatred, no matter how sanctimoniously justified, is never a virtue, and a law that promotes discrimination is distinctly unworthy of a free nation where so many patriots have given their lives in defense of “liberty and justice for all.”

Open House Honors LGBT Military Service

LGBT Veterans & Active Duty in San Diego,

You are invited to meet with fellow LGBT Active Duty, Reserves, Guard and Veterans as guests of American Veterans for Equal Rights for a luncheon at the Bamboo Lounge (& T-deli) honoring your service. A new San Diego Chapter of AVER will be formed and you are encouraged to be a part of this effort to make our veteran services, companionship and advocacy available to those in the San Diego area.

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AVER: SVV Leads the Way as a VSO

The mission of American Veterans for Equal Rights is “evolving,” to borrow a popular term. Through much of our organization’s 25 year history our central goal has been to fight for the right of LGBT people to serve in the United States military. While that goal has been largely achieved, the mission will continue until Transgender patriots are able to serve just as lesbian, gay, and bisexual people can now serve. And like many of our sister organizations we continue to identify and reform issues and challenges unique to LGBT service members, veterans, and our families. But the overall focus of AVER as a Veterans Service Organization is expanding to encompass the same mission as other VSOs, which is to help veterans access the benefits they have earned, and navigate the very difficult and unfortunately copious labyrinth of VA bureaucracy. One of AVER’s chapters that is providing outstanding service as a Veterans Service Organization is Sacramento Valley Veterans (SVV), located in California’s state capitol.

Pictured Above: The Sacramento Valley Veterans (SVV) representing at the UC Davis Davis Medical Center Veterans, Disabled and Diversity Career and Resource Fair – 14 May 2014 — with Michael D Williams, Ty Redhouse, Gene Silvestri, Kevin Alverson and Viviana Taylor at UC Davis Medical Center.

Sacramento Valley Veterans is an extremely dynamic and active organization with monthly membership and board meetings, as well as weekly leadership meetings. Their yearly calendar consists of a whopping number of almost 100 events, including outreach and staffing at a myriad of events from LGBT Pride to Veterans Resource and Career fairs around the state, and providing speakers for numerous events such as high school and university groups, PFLAG meetings, senior and community centers, VA events, and veteran resource collaborative. SVV has participated in Pride events on local military installations and policy discussions on LGBT specific healthcare issues with the VA.

SVV president Michael D. Williams (US Army 1995-1999) attributes much of the chapter’s success to a core team of board members who each bring unique skills to the organization. The leadership team includes Vice President Ty Redhouse (USAF) whose invaluable knowledge of social media keeps SVV on the cutting edge of electronic communications including web pages, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all essential tools in reaching out to the vast network of tech savvy younger vets. Chapter Secretary Gene P. Silvestri, (US Army), a disabled transgender veteran, has extensive knowledge and experience in VA documentation and claims processing, as well as invaluable contacts within the VA itself, all assets in helping him assist fellow veterans in navigating the VA system and accessing benefits. Rounding out the team is former Chief Petty Officer Charles Peer (US Navy retired) whose considerable service on the boards of other local organizations as well as his position as editor of Outword Magazine keeps SVV in close touch with Sacramento’s greater LGBT community. Michael himself attributes much of his success as chapter president to his social networking and political activism, which have opened doors to important resources such as elected officials and other LGBT organizations. It doesn’t hurt that the chapter is located in California’s state capitol where lawmakers are readily available.


Pictured Above: The Sacarmento Valley Veterans Chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights prepares to lead the Sacramento Veterans Day Parade.

One of SVV’s most effective efforts is the chapter’s twice monthly Veterans Service Clinic which they host at Sacramento’s Lavender Library, an LGBT resource center and offshoot of the city’s LGBT Center. At these clinics Gene Silvestri and other members of SVV offer one-on-one counseling in helping veterans file initial claims with the VA as well as the increasingly necessary appeals which often follow. SVV has helped veterans with other challenges such as housing and employment, and they help connect veterans with elected officials who have been very effective in streamlining the claims process and helping veterans solve challenges by applying political pressure. SVV has helped LGBT veterans connect with established VSOs and experienced Veterans Service Officers who can be invaluable in working to obtain assistance and upgrade disability claims. Michael reports that some of the VSOs who have been accepting of LGBT veterans are Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA). Such VSOs frequently have offices inside the local VA hospitals and are often the most effective resource in assisting vets to access benefits. Although SVV is open to assisting all vets in need, Michael reports that the vast majority of veterans coming to the chapter for assistance are LGBT.

An exciting opportunity came about last year when the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CALVets) contacted SVV about co-hosting a statewide outreach event for LGBT veterans. SVV’s networking with state VA officials had established them as an important resource for LGBT vets, and the state turned to the chapter as a crucial partner in hosting the first ever California VA forum for LGBT vets. CALVets had hosted a number of statewide events for minority vets including Black and Women veterans. California was taking a step towards recognizing LGBT veterans as a “protected class,” (a designation that remains a major goal for AVER at the federal level) and they turned to SVV for assistance. The first state sponsored CALVets LGBT Military Leadership Forum was held September 26-27 at the University of California Sacramento, with Sacramento Valley Veterans as co-host and AVER as a sponsor of the historic event.


Like many of AVER’s chapters around the nation, Sacramento Valley Veterans fields a military color guard, and the SVV group has had some high profile honors which have produced major visibility for the chapter. In addition to providing color services to many of the state’s LGBT events such as Stonewall Democrats and Sacramento Pride, the SVV color guard has had the honor of serving as lead color guard for the Sacramento Veterans Day Parade since 2011. They became the first LGBT color guard ever to open a ceremony within the California State Capital at the Swearing In ceremony of the State Speaker of the California House of Representatives.


Every chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights is unique. The priorities and focus of each chapter depend largely on the members of the chapter and how they choose to focus their energy, as well as the region where the chapter is located and the unique challenges that result from differing levels of acceptance towards LGBT citizens. Sacramento Valley Veterans has done a remarkable job of providing services to LGBT veterans while working to create a more just and tolerant society through education and networking. AVER is very proud of SVV’s outstanding achievements. In many ways, SVV represents the future of this organization in a post-ban era. Thank you, SVV, for your dedication to your fellow vets and our greater LGBT community. You lead the way in service. Thank you for lighting our path with steadfast commitment and bold leadership.
Sacramento Valley Vets website:

Danny Ingram, Past President
American Veterans for Equal Rights

AVER Consults with Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee


American Veterans For Equal Rights


AVER Consults with Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee


AVER Public Affairs, Denny Meyer, 718 849 5665, AVER President, Steve Loomis, LTC EN USA,(Ret.) 

AVER Consults with Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee


Steve Loomis, LTC, EN, U.S. Army (Ret.) National President American Veterans for Equal Rights

18 September 2014

American Veterans for Equal Rights has again provided input on legislative issues important to LGBT Veterans to members of the United States Senate.  On September 10, 2014, I was invited to represent AVER in a meeting with the US Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee to identify the current legislative issues important to the LGBT veterans community.  AVER’s national presence once again insured us a voice at the table for LGBT veterans.

AVER’s most important tasks are Outreach to our veterans, outreach almost to daily to Congress, the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration, academia, media and other LGBT veteran groups.  We must regularly place our goals and concerns before our local and national agencies.  This is critical to support our veterans.  It is what Danny Ingram as our past President, and Denny Meyer as our public affairs officer have done for many years and what I have now undertaken on your behalf.

In this instance, we met in the Mansfield Room of the Capitol with fifteen Senators, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed; Senator Tammy Baldwin; a military veteran; Senator Coons of DE; Senator Udall of Colorado; and Senator Corey Booker of NJ, among others. While AVER was the only veterans’ group present, many other LGBT groups were represented including American Military Partner Association and Human Rights Campaign.



 Steve Loomis

Steve Loomis, National President of American Veterans for Equal Rights explains LGBT veterans critical legislative issues to the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee on Capitol Hill.


Each group identified issues important to the LGBT community nationwide. As President of AVER, our country’s first LGBT veterans group, I indicated our issues came from our members through our national board of directors.  The legislative issues important to us as LGBT veterans, were:


√  –  1.  That military service must be open to transgender service members by administrative or legislative changes.


√  –  2.  It is essential to protect our hard won right, won when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed, for all patriotic American volunteers to be allowed to serve in our nation’s armed forces regardless of sexual orientation.


√  –  3.  Ensure that the Veterans Administration shall consistently serve all veterans equally, with relevant and competent treatment of LGBT veterans.


√  –  4.  Since Equal Employment Opportunity protections do not currently cover LGBT military, such protections must be extended as a protected class to LGBT personnel serving in Department of Defense. This will provide LGBT service members access to the EEO officer inside the unit level.  Otherwise our service members must rely for protection from threat or harm on the commander who may be the source of such oppression.  The VA should then follow the lead of the DOD.

Then issues important to us as members of the larger veterans community were presented.  They are:

√  –  1.  Continue effective efforts to improve, oversee and adequately fund the Veterans Administration medical service for all veterans.

√  –  2.  Ensure Veterans Administration Medical support to our transgender veterans fully complies with the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5.

√  –  3.  Reform the rules on Military Sexual Assault as it applies to both men and women, gay and straight.  While we should not take away the commander’s review of convictions, their authority to overturn those convictions needs to be limited.

Finally, as citizens serving our country our legislative issues are;

√  –  1.  Reversing the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United, in order to protect the voice of our citizens,

√  –  2.  Pass the Federal Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA) with the same religious exemption of Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act.  This critical LGBT protection has been delayed in Congress for over a decade.

√  –  3.  Finally, improved administrative relief for undocumented immigrants.  Over 267,000 immigrants identify as LGBT, and many are fleeing severe and deadly persecution, or seeking unification with their families.

These issues are important and favorable resolution of these issues will go a long way toward equal protection for LGBT Americans, protections that we as LGBT veterans served our country for and deserve along with all those who have gone in harm’s way for our country.

After the meeting adjourned, Senators Booker and Coons both personally approached me and asked for additional information to be provided to their staff on these issues. We will be sending letters with this information to each of the senators present and to my own New Mexico congressional delegation.  These are issues important to each of us as citizens, veterans and LGBT veterans and we should also reach out to all our members of Congress through our chapters and advocate for our issues.  It is that personal contact from their constituents in their local states that means the most and will sway them to our issues.

With the approach of AVER’s 25th Anniversary, our continued success depends very much on the support of each one of our members.  Your financial support gives us the resources to provide this type of vital input at the highest levels, and your membership allows us to speak on your behalf as the honored voices of LGBT US military veterans, a voice that is necessary to bring change not only to our veterans but our active duty service members as well.  AVER’s success depends very much on our continued outreach not only to members but to our local leaders through our chapters and to our national leaders through your National Board.  Working together we can continue to achieve progress in support of our LGBT veterans, service members, and their families.


Steve Loomis is the National President of American Veterans for Equal Rights, the first LGBT veterans organization. A graduate of the University of New Mexico, he served as a decorated infantry officer in Vietnam and later as an combat engineer officer.




Happy Military Freedom Day

This day, September 19th, marks the last day, three years ago, of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.  Repeal of DADT, which was signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 22, 2010, officially took effect on September 20th, 2011.  As flags were lowered at Retreat ceremonies on United States military posts and warships around the world, the nearly 100 year old ban against gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members became a part of history.  An injustice ended.  America became more free.  

This did not just happen.  It happened because many people worked very hard for a very long time to create the change that made the guardians of America’s freedom the representatives of the liberty they serve to safeguard.  American Veterans for Equal Rights was on the front line of this long engagement from the very start.  We can all be very proud of that accomplishment.  You created change.  You made this happen.  

The past few years have been amazing.  We now have openly gay general officers serving in our military.  The Department of Defense officially recognizes same-sex marriages and offers full benefits to the spouses of our brave warriors.  Marriage equality is sweeping our nation, a social revolution that is quite unlikely to have happened without the repeal of DADT.  Honored warriors, thank you for your hard work.  You made this happen.  This is your legacy.  

There is still work to be done.  The VA still does not offer full benefits to the legally married spouses of LGB service members.  Transgender Americans still cannot serve in the military.  Many states still do not recognize our same-gender marriages.  LGB service members do not have the unit level access to EEO officers to give them immediate protection from harassment and threats from their fellow service members.  Veterans who received less-than-honorable discharges for no other reason than their sexual orientation need to have those discharges upgraded so they can access the benefits they earned for their service.  We have work to do.  

As we near the beginning of our 25th year of service, please consider the accomplishments of this great organization and your role in making America a more free and just society.  This year we said goodbye to one of our founders, Chuck Schoen.  Chuck lived to see the repeal of DADT.  Let’s continue his work, and broaden his legacy to continue the change he started.  

Thank you to all the members of American Veterans for Equal Rights for your service to our nation and your commitment to making the United States military the true representatives of the freedom it exists to protect.  I ask that you continue with us as we step forward into our next quarter century.  American Veterans for Equal Rights remains the respected voice of LGBT military veterans in the United States.  When Congress, the VA, the Commander-In-Chief, and other major government agencies come looking for answers to their questions about LGBT veterans, they come to AVER.  Please keep that voice strong.  

Happy Military Freedom Day.  You did this.  Carry on. 

Danny Ingram, President Emeritus

American Veterans for Equal Rights