Bataan Chapter Happenings

Bataan Chapter President Steph Patten is interviewed by Sue Wolinsky from the NM Veterans and Military Families Caucus. You can see the article under the Bataan Chapter News section.

Veterans Town Hall Meeting held at the NM Veterans Memorial Park in Albuquerque, NM. Here is a report from President Penn Baker.

New Mexico’s US Representative Melanie Stansbury hosted a Veterans Town Hall meeting and included US Representative Mark Takano (CA-39), the ranking member of the Committee on Veterans Affairs. I had the opportunity to shown Representative Takano the Bataan Chapter “Inclusive Memorial” During the meeting I was able to ask the representative why there was such a disparity between the VA and how the DOD handled Transgender Veterans, his answer was that they were under different funding streams. A nice way of saying very POLITICAL!

We need to be keenly aware of how important this up coming election is. As we get closer to the election there will be many town halls near each of us. I ask each and everyone to attend the town halls geared towards veterans and active duty service members and hold our elected officials feet in the fire. We vote and they need to know it.

Veterans Town Hall Meeting

President Emeritus Steve Loomis and President Penn Baker listen to Representative Melanie Stansbury.

Veterans Town Hall Meeting

Bataan Chapter member Ron Freeny asking a question at the Veterans Town Hall Meeting.

Veterans Town Hall Meeting

AVER President Penn Baker with Rep Mark Takano (CA-39) at the Inclusive Memorial.

Ever Vigilant
Penn Baker Veteran USN
AVER National President
AVER National Transgender Liaison

Bataan Chapter holds it’s 15th annual End of Summer Pool and BBQ Party on August 14th. It was well attended by both chapter members, supporters of the chapter and friends. Lots of food, good conversations and great friends.

Bataan Chapter End of Summer Pool and BBQ Party

PJ and Tony enjoying the company of chapter members and friends.

Bataan Chapter End of Summer Pool and BBQ Party

Bataan Chapter President Steph Patten presenting Vice-president Ron with the Excellence in Pride award.

Bataan Chapter End of Summer Pool and BBQ Party

Group shot while President Steph Patten present a Excellence in Support award to hosts Paul and Jere.

Bataan Chapter End of Summer Pool and BBQ Party

Bataan Chapter President Steph Patten present the Excellence in Support to hosts Paul and Jere.