Lone Star Chapter Attends 2024 Pride in Austin, TX

American Veterans for Equal Rights(AVER) Lone Star Chapter participated in the Austin Pride Parade on 10 August at 20:00 hours. AVER led the parade with the color guard. The parade lasted hours and involved over 10,000 participants. We hope to see you there next time!

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Part of the Lone Star color guard.

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Lone Star Chapter color guard.

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Danny Ingram is the US Flag bearer for the Lone Star Chapter color guard.

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Members of the chapter talking to the Austin Pride folks.

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Danny Ingram and Diane Stubel with the Austin Pride folks.

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Lone Star members

Lone Star Chapter at 2024 Austin Pride

Lone Star Chapter color guard in front of Texas State capitol building.